Algodonales Paragliding Centre
B H P A Paragliding Development School

Chris Williams
Chris Williams
BHPA Chief Development Instructor of High Sierras BHPA development school (405). Trained with Dean Crosby at Active edge in 1994. Came out to southern Spain in the same year. Taking my first guided group in 1995.
Enjoys all aspects of paragliding however flying cross country and hike & fly are at the top of the list.
Keen cyclist especially trail riding, ex-climber but still enjoy scrambling and hill walking, Bird watching especially the raptors in the area, but generally anything outside is where I am at my happiest.
Lynn Williams
Runs the non flying side of our business, looking after our guest accommodation or helping out on launch and the retrieve driver picking up pilots from their days flying.
Although Lynn does not fly she is a keen bird watcher and enjoys flying on the tandem paraglider with the Griffon Vultures. Also enjoys walks in the country side and same as me enjoying the outside life.
Ray Wooding
Our trainee instructor. Paragliding pilot of 10 years, he also fell in love of Spain and moved here. He is also a BHPA tandem pilot. His love of flying is similar to mine and looks forward to a good cross country day. Passions outside flying are he is a saxophone player and is in a local band.
Griffon Vultures
The griffin Vultures are arguably my other instructors. On Lijar mountain there are hundreds of breeding pairs that live here all year round. Having spent many years observing them, they have become our guides in the air. I have specialised knowledge of their flying habits and daily destinations to use to our advantage.
The Team

Lynn Williams