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Pilot Development Courses



Pilot Development Structure (PDS)






How does the PDS work?



A new pathway to learning, the "Pilot Development Structure" (PDS) has been devised by a panel of experienced BHPA coaches, which I have been championing and been involved in it's development. It offers an alternative to the more formal Pilot Rating System (Club Pilot > Pilot > Advanced Pilot), whilst running in tandem with it. NOTE: We have been directly involved with the Pilot Development Structure with input to the modules.


There are three layers to the PDS:   Foundation, Development and Performance.


Within each layer are a series of modules that deal with a specific aspect of the sport (e.g. glider control, meteorology, equipment, flight planning). Each module contains a series of exercises to help you gain proficiency in the appropriate skills and acquire the appropriate knowledge, before moving to the next layer.


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Pilot Development Structure















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